Starwoman, I note that your opinion of Tony Abbott's government...

  1. 47,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Starwoman, I note that your opinion of Tony Abbott's government is at the opposite end of the scale to mine!

    IMO Abbott started his regime with his betrayal of the trust placed in him with that grossly unfair 2014 Budget and went forever backwards from that point.

    You may regard the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers, lax financial and environmental regulation, slashing overseas aid, resurrecting our involvement in Middle Eastern wars and declarations of industrial war against workers as wonderful; I do not!

    Nor am I enamoured with Abbott's decision to enable ASIO to spy on every man, woman and child by providing access to metadata and his concurrent censorship of virtually ALL news about what was being done to asylum seekers.

    As for making a unilateral decision to waste yet another $100b on WMDs from other nations; IMO that's too dumb to describe in words.

    Then there's the deficit blowout from just GFC $270b to $430b and mounting together with a structural budget deficit that now includes all of those WMDs he announced. Clearly, no-one else has done so much damage in such a short period of time; not even Billy McMahon!
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