Turnbull. Part 1. Origins of an ego., page-2

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    Part 2 of Part 1.


    This was at a time when Playboy was regularly producing sickening material, including simulated child pornography, promotions of films containing child pornography and paedophilia scenarios, as well as cartoons depicting paedophilia, rape, incest and bestiality, among other things.

    The research of Dr. Judith Reisman meticulously documents Playboy‘s nefarious material from the 1950s to the 1980s, and is a disturbing read. Dr. Reisman showed that, between 1953 and 1982, Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler magazines published a combined total of approximately 9,000 images containing sexual scenarios involving children as sexual objects. This amounted to an average of about 8 images per issue, and Reisman concludes that these cartoons are used for conditioning and desensitizing people to normalise and accept paedophilia and adult-child sexual relations.

    There were even cases of Playboy publishing true child pornography.

    One case involved nude, sexualised photos of 10-year-old child actress Brooke Shields, appearing in a 1976 Playboy-published photo-book titled “Sugar and Spice” (pictured below).

    In another case, the October 1976 Italian Edition of Playboy featured nude, sexualised photos of 11 year-old French child actress, Eva Ionesco. Eva later sued her mother for allowing Playboy to publish the photos.

    But it gets worse.

    Playboy actually published editorial material promoting the idea that children are capable of sexual intercourse from birth. For instance, in the October 1976 American edition, under the title “Kid Stuff”, Playboy promoted Floyd Martinson, a charlatan academic who promoted adult-child sex. Playboy said the following:

    “…the big news is that there is a lot more direct eroticism flowing through a small child’s body than most adults are willing to acknowledge. According to Martinson, girl babies can achieve vaginal lubrication and boy babies can have erections virtually from birth. Furthermore, he points out that the potential for erotic sensuality is present when the child is in the womb. And here’s the real startler to make you have second thoughts about your wasted youth: Some boys have been observed enjoying the indescribable pleasure of orgasm as early as their first birthday.”

    Another example was a book review in the June 1978 edition of Playboy. The book being reviewed was titled “Sex Without Shame: Encouraging the Child’s Healthy Sexual Development” by Alayne Yates M.D., another pseudo-scholar. The review says:

    “Yates…makes a telling point in the first few paragraphs: Children come into the world fully equipped to enjoy sex. Most male babies are born with erections. Female babies lubricate vaginally in the first four to six hours of life. Masturbation culminating in climax may occur as early as the first month of life. Children are sensuous beings (it is no mistake that Cupid – the god of love – is depicted as a child)…If enough people read this book, we might actually make the world safe for eroticism.”

    Further, adjacent to the article there is an image of a children’s alphabet block with a naked women’s torso on one side, with the horrifying caption “Sex Without Shame: never too young“. I’ve scanned the relevant page, which you can view by clicking here(SFW).

    Despite this, I haven’t found any evidence that Turnbull ever expressed any regrets, or made any apologies, for his involvement in the sordid task of bringing this kind of filth to Australia.

    10th January, 1979 – Writing in The Australian Women’s Weekly, Turnbull heaps praise upon the left-wing feminist, Arianna Stassinopolous, the woman we know today as Arianna Huffington, the founder, President & Editor-in-Chief of the infamous left-wing propaganda website, The Huffington Post.

    The article quotes Arianna attacking Christianity and opposing the traditional family structure, with Turnbull following up by saying “It is hard to disagree with Arianna’s personal philosophy.”
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