Turnbull versus Abbott- who will fall?

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Turnbull recently had a couple of good weeks that saw the Labor lead
    in the polls down to 52/48. It was mooted as a possible positive
    turnaround for the Prime Minister and the govt.

    Then last week what evolved was extra-ordinary.

    Abbott came out with a manifesto of his own critically calling on the govt to
    move more to the conservative right. It was suggested by some that the timing
    was deliberate just before the the next Newspoll was due to be taken.

    Then various govt members criticised Abbott for what he had done.

    Newspoll came out and reflected a massive lead to Labor 55% to 45%.

    Labor's lead was larger than when Malcolm Turnbull challenged and beat
    Tony Abbott for the PMs job.

    Now Malcolm Turnbull has launched a scathing attack on Tony Abbott
    accusing him of a premeditated calculated attack aimed to influence
    the Newspoll.

    Given the above its logical that matters have come to a head and one or the other
    must fall on their sword(not literally speaking lol). It has to be either Abbott's
    last hurrah and Malcolm Turnbull’s consolidation of his position, or
    otherwise Turnbull falls and is replaced. If the latter were to occur the replacement
    would probably not be the perceived underminer Abbott, so it would mean a new PM
    with two former PMs who would probably not be silent. A disaster for the Coalition.

    So logically one would expect Turnbull and the Govt to basically finally neuter Abbott
    but how does that happen given the parlous state of the numbers in the Parliament?
    Its a minefield that distracts from the possibility of good govt and it will be interesting
    to see what evolves.
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