Turnbull's Staffer drugs and indecency. Oh Dear., page-48

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I would guess that most people just dont bother much with these tiny sample,fantasyland questions asked polls anymore, if they ever did years before any election, especially in light of the recent UK election experience where similar ridiculous tiny sample "american idol style popularity voting" represented in those and these polls was stunningly and completely wrong...

    I suspect that these polls generally reflect more the massive, unprecedented union-boss orchestrated campaign of political and personal destruction that has been unrelentingly directed at Tony Abbott, his wife, daughters and even aged mother by the leftist media and obvious organized online propagandists, to attempt to vilify, politically and personally destroy Tony Abbott and even essentially ridicule and even attempt to criminalize his common basic humanity like winking at a joke, wearing a jacket these people dont like, doing volunteer lifesaver and fire-fighter work and being a outstanding role model for maintaining a healthy,active lifestyle with regular exercise as a key element, despite an extreme and rigorous daily agenda....

    When the election draws nearer, I might bother to glance at these tiny sample polls but in reality it is absolutely impossible for an "american idol style" popularity vote by some tiny sample of about 1000 or so people asked fantasyland questions unrelated to their actual vote, could possible represent the voting plans of some millions of voters on polling day some years in the future, when they are faced with real voting choices with real consequences...

    To most thinking Australians, the consequences of allowing the union-boss controlled and staffed labor party and their greenie partners to gain control of our Government again,along with access to taxpayer funds and the sovereign borrowing rights of Australia, is too much of a disaster to possibly consider and while some few people might go along with the leftist media orchestrated personal destruction campaign to destroy Tony Abbott, which amounts to little more than an organized attempt at schoolyard bullying, I seriously doubt that these people would ever consider voting to hand control of our government back to the plundering union-bosses and their minions...
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