tv shows you really enjoy ..., page-19

  1. 12,085 Posts.


    I've caught a few episodes of AP. I like the idea that one person's trash can turn out to be another person's treasure.
    Also that people may be holding the 'next Mona Lisa' in their garage and don't realise it.

    I recall that when my mother's estate was being wrapped up we did a garage sale. The amount of people showing up was amazing. A couple we later saw at an antique odds and sods store they owned. They were on the hunt!

    Without sounding like a capitalist, the older areas in Perth like Mt Lawley/Inglewood/Maylands/East Perth and such are a good target because they have alot of elderly residents who have decades of stuff hoarded from when their children grew up or husbands died. Deceased estates could bring up anything.
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