Religion is simply a tool for a grab for...

  1. 328 Posts.
    Religion is simply a tool for a grab for power.

    Religion can be used as a tool for a grab for other abuse.

    What most people forget is that "religion" is the building block for the democracy that we take today for granted.

    Religion provided the initial moral building block as a code of without it....without a recognition that one day we will (some will say we might...others will say what a load of bull) be answerable to a higher power.....we would have remained primitive savages in chaos......where the concept of democracy could never have taken hold, let alone evolve to where it is today.

    Like it or lump it.......without the 10 commandments as a starting point.......we'd be 1,000 times worse off than the most flea bitten rag-tag place on this planet.

    So to those who say that the 10 commandments were not divinely inspired...I say...good....but then even if it was initiated by still required a "religious" ...(i.e. religion) environment to have been able to gather pace...otherwise no concept of democracy could ever have evolved.

    Having said that.....yes, I agree that religion can and is abused....for example....we witness the absolute gross abuses that go (overwhelmingly within Muslim countries) on under the banner of so called religion.

    But used wisely.......and in a positive sense???

    The sky's the limit.
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