IMS 0.00% 69.0¢ impelus limited

Thanx, that's exactly what i said. I said they still need to...

  1. 4,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 211
    Thanx, that's exactly what i said.

    I said they still need to make deals with the 'subsidiaries'

    That's why i also used the language of 'agreements' and 'deals'.

    Their focus now is on SEAsia and in particular, Malaysia i believe. But they have improved their software which takes only 2 days to integrate. They wouldn't have invested the money improving that from 2 weeks if they didn't think they were going to need it. I'm hopefull this will equate to many subsidiaries signing up in the next few years.
    Last edited by pods: 25/02/16
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