typsi:your cryptogram, page-23

  1. 713 Posts.
    Atomu....my dear erudite friend.....From time to time you disappoint me...
    It has nothing to do with Paris's Troy...
    Troy-Novant was London's very first name...Given to it by Ainias (Aeneas), who according to Homer fought in the Trojan war....
    Virgil in his epic poem Aeneid, tells us of Aeneas adventures after the defeat of Troy, and how he ended in Italy....
    Later, from Italy he went to the Old albion, where he founded Troy Novant, which later was renamed Londonium by the Romans......And of-course today we all know what it is....
    As for you having islamic propensities....Well...You mentioned a flotilla of Greek beauties...That is tantamount to having a(n) Harem...Like every "respectable" muslim does (or atleast, did) if he wants to be in their (Islamic) Who is Who......
    PS... Anthony, why don't you install an MSN? It 's easier to talk through MSN......
    If you do install, my nome de plume on MSN is:
    [email protected]
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