u.s. vetoes of un resolutions critical of israel, page-13

  1. 4,788 Posts.

    So the turbo charged ego of V D Hanson gets Snooks/LA/B&B moist? And here's silly old me thinking that it was the communist dictator Mao who had said that power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

    Marxist economic determination now administered by GWB?

    "We are militarily strong, and the Arab world abjectly weak, not because of greater courage, superior numbers, higher IQs, more ores, or better weather, but because of our culture"

    Eugenics rules OK!

    "Consensual government is not the norm of human politics but a rare and precious idea, not imposed or bequeathed but usually purchased with the blood of heroes and patriots, whether in classical Athens, revolutionary America, or more recently in Eastern Europe. Democracy’s lifeblood is secularism and religious tolerance, coupled with free speech and economic liberty."

    Looks like its been one helluva a fight for freedom, justice & democracy for the mighty Brotherhood of Aryan nations hasnt it?

    What George W. Bush believes
    An interview with the presidential hopeful.

    GWB: "We have a really interesting opportunity in America to redefine war and the terms on which a war is fought. Because today we are the world's only superpower, we have an opportunity in America to think beyond the short term and take our military from the industrial age into the information age.

    If you think about it, this accomplishment alone would be a great legacy for a president. The problem today is we have no strategic vision behind our military budgeting, and so the whole program is put together haphazardly."


    Rather Orwellian dont you think, we may all think that our particular style of democracy is OK but if it doesnt meet with the requirements of the US white house strategists the armed forces of freedom and justice will be invited to liberate us.

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