GIR 0.00% $5.43 giralia resources nl

u308, page-6

  1. 12,468 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 278
    Hi Eme

    I have posted on & off for some time on GIR - I dont know if anyone has listened - most too busy ramping up some of the cr@ppy U-hopefuls out there & ignoring the quality ones!

    Previously i have posted:

    GIR is GROSSLY undervalued. What is interesting is that they are spinning most of their U leases into U308, BUT they are holding onto the Lake Frome/Beverley leases. This speaks volumes to me! Their L. Frome EL's alone are a stand out "company maker!" These leases are MASSIVE! They include large blocks of uranium bearing land:
    1] below AGS,
    2] below the Beverley mine
    3] To the right of & above Beverley mine

    They have same deal as Heathgate, have already hit economical grades of uranium & drilling is continuing now.

    Interestingly, I was doing some reading about them. Evidently during the "dot-com" boom, they went on an accumulation binge, buying up exploration leases cheaply. (If anyone is interested have a look at the map on their websit for details) Hence, the vast amount of EL's they have been able to float. They still hold a swag of them too! (incl gold) Hats off to smart management who were then willing to pass on benefits to shareholders.


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Currently unlisted public company.

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