First up, the one on the horse is not the one you initially said...

  1. 25,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    First up, the one on the horse is not the one you initially said and neither is it the one that was going to be worshiped.

    It is Jesus on the horse and as I quoted, God is going to use him as judge and the vesture dipped in blood, I'd say is not referring to the cross.
    Check out Isa 63:1-3 for the answer there (the wine press for the naughty ones as referenced as well in Rev lol).

    The name is not known and I'd suggest that's because people don't know what is means, represents.
    Most think it is confirming he is The Word = NOT.
    1. He is the product, results of, just as Luke clearly shows.
    2. He is deemed as a Word of God, titled "The". (Word God -> Image -> Word Man, who arrives on the scene in John 1:14 already Word Man).
    That which is born of WORD is Word (Spirit and word are in effect, interchanged in the Bible, that which is born of Spirit is spirit).
    3. He was raised in the word by God and would of had it without measure by the time of his Baptism, which is the Only timing of him being sent into the world.
    4. He became the Key representative, carrier of the word of God = the word of life.
    5. When he expressed forth the words of the God and Fathers, he became the express image of the God and Fathers PERSON -> WORD, The Word Heb 1:3 KJV.
    That, Jesus confirms in John 14:10 which is his answer to -> to see me is to see the Father = by hearing the Fathers words coming out of Jesus, he deemed that as seeing (perceiving - Inter) the Father.

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