ufos...again!, page-2986

  1. 25,620 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I was watching a youtube recently, not on the flood but another matter.

    Apparently and they showed the support, many of our OT Bibles have been corrupted somewhat by the Jews, there aim supposedly to hide Jesus.

    When you see such and such a person was this 'age' and begat such and such a person, they have the likes of 35 yrs old they were when begetting someone, when in fact the Original scriptures show 135 yrs.
    Something like 5 - 700 hundred years, from one period to another is lost, in relation to times after Noah as they do this with a number of begetting periods.
    I don't think it effected the over all said 6,000 years.
    When you then bring in the true number of years, the population would be much Bigger than what most Bibles would show.

    This then apparently supports, that the pyramids were after the flood, plenty of time and people to do so and it is said they are built on sediment's of a prior flood.
    Accuracy of all this re pyramids ?
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