Finished watching series 1of Rebus, so much left in the air...

  1. 16,994 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 143
    Finished watching series 1of Rebus, so much left in the air there has to be a second series. Great drama.
    Can't remember how long the original ran for & too lazy to look it up.

    Also taking a look at The Scandalous Lives of the Georgian King's. Have read a fair bit of British History but the Georgian period (circa Jane Austen) is a bit I passed over.

    And Beyond Watergate: The Richard Nixon Story is worth seeing if you can cope with all that grainy b&w
    Leaves you with the distinct impression it was an age of upheaval not unlike the present. There was a guy who could look straight down the camera and lie without any physical give-aways.
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