Watched Godfather 2 yesterday. My God it's long isn't it. I used...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    Watched Godfather 2 yesterday. My God it's long isn't it. I used to think War & Peace was long. I remember seeing that at the cinema and they would have an intermission. South Pacific was another one like that.
    Whatever happened to that, it was a great musical, they don't seem to do those anymore. All the Rogers & Hammersteins are dead. RiP.

    I liked the way they move between the early family days of Vito's youth and his beginnings as a mobster
    and the present days of Michael's reign.
    I was thinking during the scenes of the Senate Committee investigating the mobs, in real life Jack & Bobby Kennedy would have been there. That's where they first came to prominence, grilling people like Jimmy Hoffa.

    A masterful piece of cinema. I'll leave it a while and then watch part 3.
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