Croatian newspaper:What was expected happened, but the...

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    Croatian newspaper:
    What was expected happened, but the consequences may be unexpected. Today Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took a very risky step: he fired the head of the Ukrainian army, Valery Zaluzhny. The move comes just days after Zalužni published an article on CNN in which he actually hints at such a possibility, but still talks about himself from the perspective of a commander who has no intention of leaving (see: Zalužni speaks and invites us to read between the lines).

    Why is Zalužni's firing a big deal? Due to the fact that Valery Zaluzhny became a symbol of Ukraine's military survival in these two years of war. Yes, the counteroffensive that was intensively announced last year also failed under him, but it was doomed to failure from the start because its goal was never to break through the Russian lines, but to create the impression that Ukraine was a military power Money and weapons should continue to be sent. Such a counteroffensive as an imperative was hardly created and proposed by the army, that is, by Zalužni himself. The failed Ukrainian counteroffensive was largely a political project hatched by Zelensky and his inner circle, combining the story with the Ukrainian president's appearances in numerous centers in the West to ensure support kept coming.

    When the controversial counteroffensive failed in the worst possible way and the Ukrainian army did not regain control of a single occupied city, not even a single large settlement, in its course, the political elite immediately realized that they had to do it quickly find the perpetrator, real or imagined, and pin everything on him so that they could continue their tactic of writing him off, which now largely boils down to attracting foreign money and weapons. The big question is where all these huge funds end up - some certainly on the front lines, but others could be “warehoused” with the aim of creating a new Ukrainian oligarch class that will cloak itself in the cloak of Western alliances, supposed freedoms, etc associated values.

    Ukraine's political approach is uncomfortably reminiscent of some even less important European countries, whose authorities have realized that they can govern almost unhindered by combining loyalty to Western power centers with their own domestic discipline, corruption or even revisionist politics. We need look no further than what is currently happening in Croatia regarding the controversial appointment of the Attorney General. The authorities have “solved the puzzle” and concluded that they can do almost anything they want, as long as they leave an impeccably loyal impression in the corridors of Brussels and, if necessary, in Washington.

    Posted by: ossi | Feb 11 2024 16:01 utc

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