Ukraine, page-7819

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    CIA and likely somewhere mixed And what's the old saying "It isn't true until there's an official denial"? The US sure did issue an "official denial" quickly in the wake of the Crocus attacks, amirite?
    Ukros did it with help from MI6, in there Mossad.

    Yeah, very likely a joint operation, but I don’t think either CIA or Mossad would have initiated the Crocus attack. Far more likely the MI6/Ukie connection kicked this off.

    The SMO???
    Lots of speculation, tub-thumping, hand wringing and general pontification about the possible overt intervention by NATO forces in Western Ukraine, although some hold (probably correctly) that NATO is already involved with “advisors” and sheep dipped mercenaries.
    Since pontification seems to be the order of the day, I’ll pull up my own soap box and shove my own views on the future of this absolutely avoidable war at the assembled patrons of this (usually) excellent forum. Although I recognise the necessity of certain legal niceties in diplomatic circles, I will refer to the SMO as a war since from the POV of those engaged in the actual real fighting it bloody well is.
    Lots of hopeium from the Western partisans that the RF can be convinced, bribed, or be otherwise cajoled to freeze the war on the Dnieper line.

    There is bugger all chance of the RF falling for that!! I would conjecture that the RF high command will not stop the war till Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa (at least) are firmly incorporated into various Oblasts within the RF. Add to that Karkov and Sumy etc. If this means open conflict with NATO/European forces in Ukraine, then that is how it will be. It will not be pleasant for Ukraine, RF or any bold NATO participants, I can only hope that once the RF crosses the Dnieper- probably at multiple points-the pain for all concerned will not be prolonged. That will depend on just how committed NATO (or a selection of bellicose European countries) really are, and how far they will double-down to prevent defeat.
    Ultimately Ukraine will be dismantled by Russia who, in any case, engineered its creation in stages over approximately 300 years- starting with Empress Katherin and her regent Potemkin, and ending with Kruschev’s” gift” of Crimea in 1954. Some parts of present Ukraine may revert to Hungary and Romania and some to Poland and Belarus. As for Kiev, I’m not sure, but the RF will not allow any “Ukrainian entity”, no matter how small to be a NATO member.

    As for the continued membership of Romania, Hungary and other Eastern Europeans countries in NATO, I think that will ultimately be determined on how the battles in Western Ukraine pan out. The US is probably experiencing multiple dilemmas including their own domestic situation (economy, demography etc.), the diversion of attention required by the increasingly rabid behaviour of their Israeli client, and how long instigating some type of conflict with the PRC can be delayed before becoming untenable. All this leads me to think the US will not get directly involved in real infantry/armoured fighting in Ukraine.

    Posted by: Barrel Brown | Apr 8 2024 4:54 utc

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