It is sad to see the people of Ukraine being used as pawns in...

  1. 1,281 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 310
    It is sad to see the people of Ukraine being used as pawns in the big game being played out by USA, Nato/EU and Russia and China.
    I find it a very cynical exercise to use the Ukrainians to fight the Russians and supply them with weapons but not to supply any troops. The western powers are happy to have Ukraine fight a proxy war and support them to a degree but then they have an excuse for not engaging with Russia as they never actually had any direct conflict. If the war is morally reprehensible enough to send weapons then surely there becomes a moral directive to give physical troop support as well. The economic sanctions are the easy way out for the west as they have some effect and give the appearance of positive action but the lack of direct confrontation means that Russia can continue to achieve its objectives in the knowledge that no one will stand up to them.
    I certainly do not wish to see this war escalate and hope it ends very soon as I think it is inevitable that the Ukraine no real chance of winning. I do, however, believe this conflict will escalate and spread as there is no turning back for Putin and Russia. Even if the war ends quickly there is no way that everyone will kiss, makeup and sing Kumbayah. Putin will never allow himself to be charged with war crimes and so must persue this path and achieve some form of stalemate with an enhanced geographical area.
    I wonder when China will be ready to show its hand.
    I just can't see things returning to the way they were.

    Just on a side note; if I were the Australian government I would be building up our strategic oil supplies to the highest levels. We are so vulnerable in that area.
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