I'm 55 y/o, and I don't remember the sun being any weaker during...

  1. 4,895 Posts.
    I'm 55 y/o, and I don't remember the sun being any weaker during the 1970's when I was a teenager.

    I still got burned to a crisp back then, mainly due to being a semi-ranga, with pale skin.

    What I do notice, is the lack of humidity these days compared to back then.

    Fair enough, it still gets humid in Sydney, but not like it used to be.

    We don't seem to get the southerly changes as much these days, and not as many late afternoon thunderstorms.

    It's subjective I suppose, but the summers in the old days seemed to last forever.

    And winters were a lot colder back then. Hose used to freeze on the front lawn, and sometimes the water wouldn't run in the mornings due to the water meter pipe being frozen.

    That was in Parramatta, not the Blue Mountains.

    These days, a couple of days in the high 30's is called a heat wave. Back then it was just called summer.


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