Slight problem with attributing today's reality with those in...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 122
    Slight problem with attributing today's reality with those in medieval times.

    "The eggs we eat for breakfast will not grow into chickens. They are unfertilised."

    Today, sure. We have the science, and mass farming techniques, to allow for that. Back in the times represented in the picture (which isn't when this "no meat on Friday" dogma was adopted) all eggs on a farm, that had a rooster, had the potential to have BEEN fertilised and the only reason some did not grow into chickens is because they were consumed before they had a chance to.

    I have NO time for the Catholic Church (or any other superstitious organisations created to control the ignorant through fear, deception or threat) and have no need for them to dictate morality.

    The hypocrisy humour isn't specific to the "no meat versus eggs" proposition but in the dictating of morals and virtues from the utterly corrupt.

    Although historically inaccurate the sentiment of the meme is valid (and VERY funny).
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