un a casualty of victory in iraq?, page-2

  1. 138 Posts.
    gwb take a bow Baghdad is liberated. In the days to come let us not forget that if it was not for one man, and one man alone -- George Bush -- the people of Iraq would not be celebrating in the streets and pulling down Saddam's statues today. Instead the jails would still be full and the torture chambers still operating and the weapons mills still turning out the instruments of future destruction.

    In this war of liberation the liberals appeased the monster regime and the left offered themselves as human shields to be placed in the way of the liberating forces both in Iraq and here at home. My favorite moment this morning came when two Iraqis marched down Baghdad's main street holding a banner that said: "US HUMAN SHIELDS: GO HOME YOU W@NKERS!

    Should we now get ready for apologies? Don't hold your breath. In The Nation today, Medea Benjamin, head of Global Exchange, pro-Castro communist and leader of the anti-American anti-war left, calls for a world-wide effort to send human shields to North Korea, Syria and Iran, the pillars of terrorist power, to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

    We have come to a post-Cold War historic turning point. We have entered the era of a new civil war between the forces of freedom and the powers of Islamo-fascist and communist darkness, and once again the left is clearly detemined to take its stand on the other side. The good news is that America is back. Our military has performed superlatively. Our leadership has stood tall. We ourselves can celebrate over this and look confidently towards what lies ahead.
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