un, bushfires and carbon pricing, page-39

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    The Australian Government’s International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative ($328.2 million, 2008-2013) is addressing high priority adaptation needs in vulnerable countries, focusing on small island developing states and least developed countries.

    The Gillard Government is party to the UN agreement, which Climate Change Minister Greg Combet entered into in December 2010 at a meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Under this agreement approximately 10 per cent of the Carbon Tax revenues raised from developed nations will go into a Green Climate Fund.

    Even when Ms Gillard was denying there would be a Carbon Tax last August, her government had committed to spending $599 million on climate change handouts over the current three-year Budget period, mainly in the Pacific and South-East Asian regions. About $470 million has already been allocated.

    Here is exactly where “your” cash is going.

    $248 million to the 'International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative' to support adaptation efforts;

    $146 million to the 'International Forest Carbon Initiative' to assist developing countries reduce emissions from reducing deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, known as REDD+;

    $131 million to multilateral agencies to assist developing countries mitigation and adaptation efforts;

    $38 million delivered through the climate change component of Australia’s contribution to the fifth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility; and

    $36 million to other climate change activities in developing countries, including $15 million to 'Climate Change Partnerships for Development'.

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