un says iran is ready to build an atomic bomb, page-39

  1. 19,642 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 127
    Two points free will

    The bible, in the modern era, is used as a book of faith and only the most bigotted of critics, narrow-minded and one desperate to promote some sort of twisted moral equivalence would say that it - as a treatise - promotes or in any way encourages barbarism, or "spew hatred, revenge, are dictorial".

    The Koran and Islam, on the other hand, is precisely that so on that point I'd go with geo - that one needs to be controlled - big time!!!

    That aside, geo - your platonic, utopian world is something that we perhaps should all aspire to but - in the here-and-now - in the real world - it simply cannot be "the plan". As the saying goes, "Walk softly but wield a big stick".
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