un vote on fence, page-6

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    european union funds separation fence EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS SEPARATION FENCE

    Former Mossad agent Gad Shimron reports that while the European Union attacks Israel mercilessly for the partition fence it's building to protect Jewish lives, the EU itself funds and operates a similar fence designed only to protect itself from illegal immigrants.

    The fence is located in a Spanish enclave in northwestern Africa, the coastal city of Ceuta just across the Straits of Gibraltar from Spain.

    Unknown to most of the world, when Spain handed over most ofnorthern Morocco to the newly independent kingdom in 1956, Spain retained Ceuta and Melilla (about 250 kilometers further east) -
    thus that the European Union is present in Africa as well.

    Poverty-stricken Moroccans attempting to cross into Ceuta, from where they will then be able to work anywhere in Europe because of the EU's no-checkpoints policy, are stopped in their tracks by
    the eight-meter-high, double layer fence.

    Funding for the fence, some 60 million Euros, came from European Union coffers.
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