The conspiracy theorists are having a filed day.The range from...

  1. 36 Posts.
    The conspiracy theorists are having a filed day.

    The range from the "almost believable" in terms of the "demolition" of the buildings to the notions that there werent really 2 planes, there were 3 planes and the "white" Thunderbolt cloned the flight data recorder. That the cell phone calls were made by the CIA as they had a list of the passengers and voice synthesising software

    All absolute nutters but when you get a collection of same you seem to feel you feel you gain credibilty

    About the demolition - suffice to say that the demolition of buildings in the past has been a determined, highly orchestrated, highly labour intensive, precise and time- consuming affair and thats when its been limited to 8 - 10 stories. A Twin Tower demolition has never ever been done - not even close.

    The amount of preparation that is needed in terms of weakening the structure and placing the explosives is such that the conspiracists would have you believe that all of that took place under cover but out in the open, with no one the wiser and the 100's if not 1000's of people who are aware and supposed to be part of this have all been silent for 5 years

    If it wasnt so sad it would be funny

    Heres a great debunking site.
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