"Many of the people at the site said they felt the ground...

  1. 6,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 245
    "Many of the people at the site said they felt the ground shaking well prior to the collapse......explosive detenation is the only thing that can explain that."

    What people? People invented in a nutter conspiracy theorists head? They felt the ground shake but didn't hear any explosions?? Other things explode other then explosives you know. Like gas or electrical transformers.

    "To induce an implosion, explosives are set to break the steel columns, and some of the columns were in fact broken."

    Wheres your proof of this? Some of the columns? You'll need to "break" most of the columns for a implosion to take effect which is impossible in a live building. Besides you still need to take out sections ect because if you cut a column with explosives it's still sitting on itself with no momentum to create a collapse.

    "Steel melting point is about 1300c
    Jet fuel melting point is 360c"

    Steel melts around that level yes but its so soft it can be sheared under load or at the very least bend.

    Not sure what you mean by jet fuel melting at 360c but if your saying thats its max burning temperature its clearly wrong. Jet fuel gets to around 1000c. More then enough heat to compromise a carbon structure.

    "yes some other things, carpets, paper, and even the magnesium in the aircraft can increase the heat and cause the steel to weaken, but not drop like it did in seconds."

    Seconds? Time of impact to beginning of collapse was around 75mins average between the 2 buildings. Seconds you reckon??

    "Personally......I think the Israelis planted the explosives....and Bin Laden has FA to do with it."

    Why would Bin Laden admit to it then? Let me guess the Israelis planted it because they owned the building and it was a insurance job.

    You guys are incapable of understanding that your arguments are logistically impossible and physically flawed. You somehow twist/mold the facts because you need to believe its a inside job for hell knows what reason. Scary there are people out there like that!!
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