good advice in this story...most hc punters would be aware of...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    good advice in this story...
    most hc punters would be aware of his brother....but unlikely to be aware of his more famous brother...the one that keeps a low profile
    simply more food for thought...but this one digs deeper than most
    extract only,,,,,,,,,

    The International Monetary Fund estimates the pool of safe haven assets will shrink by $US9 trillion to $US74 trillion by 2016 while new banking and trading requirements will require a further $US4 trillion of safe assets to be posted.

    ****** Adding to this is a concern that, as central banks embark on open-ended bond-buying progams, they are draining the world of trillions of dollars of quality assets at the exactly the time regulators are requiring more of them be
    held by lenders
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