unhcr appeal

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    So Australian reps. of the UNHCR are asking the West o fork up 5 Billion $'s toward the Syrian refugee crisis, and it's associated displaced persons agonies.

    Might I respectfully suggest, that they instead level this request toward the thousands of oil rich Arab billionaires and multi-millionaire businessmen. Of the same religion.

    It is not we of the West causing all this religious mayhem, bombings, rapes, murders, and total destruction of people's lives and properties. This is Islam at work.

    Are we then supposed to take in hundred of thousands of refugees (and I am as appalled as anyone else at this gross anc cruel suffering we see daily), what, all because these people, to simlify a complex situation, simply cannot get their acts together. And run a country with GOOD laws, civility, democracy, and economically responsibly.

    WHY is it that doom, disaster, mayhem, cruelty, murder, and total disregard for other people's human rights, and their right to live a decent and peaceful life, are so rampant under the flag of Islamist beliefs?

    It seems they are incapable of running a caring democracy.
    And violence and hatred are the weapons of preference in any disagreement.

    This attitude to life, which is cheap in so many of these hellholes, is NOT our fault, in the West!

    Surely it's about time the Islamist nations got their own act together - rally their own aid programs - and put in place leaders who actually do give a damn about the safety and security and work hard at creating situations where their peoples have a real chance at leading meaningful, productive, and peaceful lives, in cohesion with all of their neighbours.

    These leaders are making the mess. What is it then seen as the "duty' of those in the West to come in and help try clear up such messes? Why aren't these tyrants dealt with - and forced to leave - UN showing some muscle - except all useless talk - for a change! Replace these vile and violent dictators and economic crooks, with others more humane and visionary? Leaders who actually do give a damn for their own people's welfare.

    Why aren't the citizens appealing to the UN for some REAL: help and action? How helpless are they?

    This is NOT our fault. Yet now (again) it's the West who are called on to try and help fix it up? Look to the Arab world - to help their own!
    And do something FOR their own!

    For we are classed infidels and unclean, by those of Radical and Sharia Islam. Not fit to assimilate with. But our money, it seems, is always welcome when they get themselves in a jam.

    Australia CANNOT take in all the world's dispossessed. Our own kids sleep on the streets - who gives a damn about them?
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