uni students total despair can u help

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    unbelievable....the most liveable city in the world and look at this.....and you thought you had worries re stock market losses
    here is part of the story
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    Diddly squat
    October 9, 2008
    Page 1 of 4 | Single Page View
    Rising rents and a housing shortage are forcing many local students to take desperate measures just to find a place to sleep. Annie Lawson reports.

    AFTER months of sleeping in various lounge rooms, Lorena Solin felt she had tested the limits of her friends' goodwill. Homeless and desperate for a place to live, the Melbourne University arts/science student moved into a garage behind a student share-house in Thornbury earlier this year.

    Conditions were not ideal - the acoustics weren't great, the evenings were icy, it was difficult to get a decent night's sleep and she shared with a male garage-mate. But at a time when more tertiary students than ever are forced to take drastic measures to find a place to live - whether it be squatting or staying in parents' homes or in a hotel - it wasn't a bad option.

    Soon after Solin, 21, moved in, a strong gust of wind peeled a strip of tin from the garage roof, leaving a hole just big enough for the rain to soak all her possessions.

    "It rained inside all the time, so it was like living outside. It was not sustainable living there - it was hard to study and I felt really unsettled. But I was lucky because at least I had a place to stay."

    For students locked out of the increasingly unaffordable rental market, homelessness can mean months of couch-surfing or "hot-bedding" - crashing at friends' houses until somewhere to live permanently is found.

    In fact, many are victims of a chronic under-supply of share-house accommodation and apartments in inner-city Melbourne.

    Median rents have risen 13% in the 12 months to March this year, according to State Government Office of Housing data, leaving students in a state of "housing stress". Adrian Burrage, manager of Melbourne University's student housing services, says it is common for rent to chew up more than 40% of income, given someone surviving on the maximum independent youth allowance earns just $426.84 a fortnight. Continued...

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