union bashing, page-61

  1. 18,701 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 417
    Most delegates i Know would be quite happy if unions were not to be required.
    If you think union delegates and officials make big money you are in dreamland...delegates take on the position for zero pay...they take on extra responsibility and stress for zilch.
    I cant speak for state secretaries but one of my close friends is an organiser (this is someone who organises the delegates, does macro negotiations, press interviews,usually will sit on an OH&S board etc etc it is a tough job) and his pay is 60-70k a year, there is no way I would undertake the stress he does for the money he gets.
    Yes there are standover men in the union and to some extent it is required, it is their job to push their barrow ie wages safety, like there are standover bosses...you cant have someone representing you who is a pushover.

    To those who think unions are unnecesary as the original poster said they are either rich or naive, the unions are the only ones who keep the ba$tard$ honest.

    To the poster who said the labor party is just a union front you got it...the labor began with the union.
    The labor party has always stood for workers like the liberals have always stood for bosses.
    Just a shame we have a country that only votes with their backpocket.

    Dream on libs you will never get rid of unions, the harder you try the stronger they will become...nothing strengthens authority more that silence and unions are our only voice
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