Union Push on Casual Work, page-62

  1. 25,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    IMHO The  majority of posts here are either on one side or the other but there is very little discussion on where the root of the trouble is.
    Bosses will do whatever they can get away with, union bosses will use whatever power they have to to achieve their aims
    What do the bureaucrats and politicians do  ---- nothing, they are supposed to be setting the standards, they don't

    Just for a moment think of where does all the useless legislation come from? the public service, and who do he public service represent? the unions, who want more members IE more public servants which in turn are an extra cost to business

    When I was employing people the cost of having them was about the same as what I was paying in wages. So if there was less government interference in my business I would have been able to pay my employees more.

    It is not high wages that have killed Australian business it is the useless legislation and the un-warranted conditions of the workers
    Why has casual and contract work become the norm, business has taken this path so as to by pass unions, the STUPID union bosses should be working with the employees to further the aims and future of their employees rather than treat them like a never ending money supply.

    Manufacturing has finished in Australia, all those jobs have gone overseas, robotic work is coming to further delete more workers and the unions could nor care less about the workers.

    When did the union bosses last go to Canberra with a workable plan to improve the lot of business in Australia ?  NEVER all they want is more personal power, just look at the Labor Party something like 60% under the control of the unrepresentative union bosses

    The problem with jobs in Australia is the politicians and their immense public service, if we had a true figure of the people who are unemployed or partially employed the public may finally sit up and take notice
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