
  1. 1,025 Posts.
    Worker knocks on boss's door, come in, employee says to boss "there's only one employee doing a job that has always been done by two, nothing in the job has changed", o.k says boss I'll look into it. Another worker knocks on boss's door, come in and says the same thing, o.k I'll look into it. Now there are many workers lined up wanting to say the same thing, now the boss is annoyed and calls everyone together and says to them "now look here you lot you all want to see me to say the same thing I want you to select one of you to see me and only one" one worker says "boss we can't do that because you wouldn't allow anyone here to be a member of a union so if we feel we have a grievance or even something that could improve productivity we can't.
    What this is telling us is that no-one here has had a job and has benefitted from previous or present representation by a trade union is that right? Union leaders have done some stupid things I know as have employers and parliamentarians but union bashing and as some of you say "lefties" Have been on the workers side and I'm sure have achieved more for you than a long line of employees lined up outside the boss's door.
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