The problem is that the Labor Party are in the pocket of the...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    The problem is that the Labor Party are in the pocket of the Unions - or vice versa.
    And Labor's Cabinet will be dictated to by the Unions - despite their low relative membership ratio.
    So it will be the Unions having a large say in how the country is run - and even future international policies - yes, Union bosses (some of them thugs) DICTATING Labor Policy. and OUR future directions.

    And that's the whole trouble with Labor! Always has been. Too many Indians and not enough chiefs! Too much power in the hands of Caucus - and the leader only being a figure-head of sorts. There to do the bidding of others.

    Australia needs strong leadership - and decisiveness! Rudd is already head-nodding as it is keeping up with Liberal Policies.

    He can never, ever, be really decisive and autonomous about anything, in his own right, as he wil always be at the behest of these numerous other factions and pressures from so many shades of red.

    And now "Rocker" Garrett is giving the game away in his disclosure yesterday that there will indeed be massive changes AFTER the election - (like what, Peter - throwing out all the "me-too" promises and bringing in the "LABOR are now a national monopoly so from here on in we can do what we b+++++y-well like ones???")

    Since 1966, a whole new generation has grown up, never knowing what it is really like to live under a Labor government. They have never know bitterness or struggle - or 17 half% interest rates! They are leading the good life - and cannot see the danger in voting in incompetents!! THey just live/vote by the latest Slogan - I T S T I M E F O R A CHANGE! A sort of shallow - "vote by T-Shirt) mentality! Everyone else is doing it - so I may as well too. A bit of fun - and get rid of that old codger Howard! Sounds good!!

    Well, IF Rudd gets in, I would say to this young generation, you can be sure he'll change the rules so he's in for a set time frame of four years. (There'll be no one to oppose him!) In fact, he'll do whatever he d++n well wants!! A monopoly - remember! IS that what we want? Is that good for our country?? And are you voting for your country - or for slogans?

    And a lot of damage can happen in four years! Damage which someone else (after the pennies have dropped with voters) has to come in and fix again. And iso t becomes a vicious circle. And the public suffer. Because it is a treadmill of going nowehere. If a machine is working - doing a pretty good job for what you want -why on earth throw it out on a whim, and then, worse, replace it with a lesser quality model??
    Just for a change?? It makes no sense.

    Younger voters never expereinced adult life in Victoria,for instance, when it was a financial basket case under Labor with the Cain and Kirner governmants! (She was never even voted in!!) And it is thanks to Kirner that we are stuck with all these wall-to wall poker machines!

    She left behind a huge deficit mess which Jeff Kennett and his team took years to clean up!

    Young voters have come up to voting age through schools whose teachers are predominantly left-wing to varying degrees -a good percentage of whom have not been that ethically circumspect with regard to seeding their own political viewpoints in the minds of their naive students.
    I know first hand that this is occurring as I have a teacher in the family, and he is very much in the minority with his right wing views.

    Labor voters are desperate for their party to win - and will back ANY candidate in their desperation.
    It is just unfortunate for the rest of us that they are backing someone whom I contend is not in any way up to the job expereince wise and personality wise - and that Australians will then suffer their way through how many dreary future years as a result!

    Bring on non-compulsory voting - and then we might get a more meaningful result, which people can live with and accept.

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