The great democracy and bastion of freedom and free speech is...

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    The great democracy and bastion of freedom and free speech is planning to sanction France and Germany.

    American politicians want to hit back at France and Germany for their failure to support US policy on Iraq.

    The officials may introduce measures making it more difficult to sell French products in America.

    There are also suggestions of plans to cut the number of US servicemen based in Germany.

    The BBC reports that several senior members of Congress are planning to introduce resolutions which could significantly deepen the rift between the United States and France and Germany.

    The senior member of the house armed services committee has drafted a demand that all American companies boycott the Paris air show, the most important air industry event in the world.

    The speaker of the house, Dennis Hasterd, says he has been discussing with senior colleagues measures that might impose extra regulations on bottled water and wine from France and there is reported to be a growing momentum building for early action to reduce the number of American service personnel in Germany.

    There are more 70,000 based there at the moment.
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