Are you becoming more sensible or am i drifting lol. You've surprised me with some of your posts lately which is always welcome.
Yeh Howard was somewhat lucky, especially with his timing, the world helped him alot but i also attached Costello.
Costello's financial management was good, he paid off Labours debt and built a surplus, created a superfund and was realistic with his budgets by taking into account what he could get passed. He wasn't like Hockey that was far too aggressive with his cuts for the electorate and he wasn't like Swan who lorded helicopter Ben and couldn't spend money fast enough. Wheres the realism gone, governments should work and deliver for everyone on balance.
Swan started the problem, he raised the spending bar far too high, its always easy to spend and its always hard to cut. Swan's spending was "emergency" spending because of GFC but no-one has reversed this "emergency" spending it's just kept on increasing and then they try and tell us, who most would actually believe, that our economy is going well, growing at 3% ra, ra, ra.
I also agree with you that the pollies don't have answers to date, and agree they probably don't know the questions either.
They should look at why and how our economy is growing and they may well see its growing because of Government spending etc rather than fundamental business and true economic growth, as such its really fake growth.
Back in the day, PK from the Labour side did some cuts... " the recession we needed to have" or something like that. These days if the media hears anything about cuts a big fear campaign emerges with no regard for prudent economics or any real mention of why it may not be a bad idea for our government to reduce spending and is probably a good thing to reduce the costs on Businesses so we can be more competitive globally, just like Howard was lucky because of global growth/China the reality is what is going on globally matters to each and everyone of us and if our companies and businessess can't be competitive on a global scale what hope do we have to create a strong true economy, surely we can't and shouldn't just keep on relying on higher and higher government spending?