Universities unfit for purpose.

  1. 12,300 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3227
    Yep. They are outdated activist breeding grounds. Indoctrination centres for progressives (regressive thinkers). The professors are weak scared people who can’t or won’t stand up to large children. Some of them openly promote bad ideas. Not all students are bad narrso’s fringe dwellers no one wants at a party, but they usually end up running these hate sit ins. The problem is it’s all a distraction from learning. As Buffett says, once you come out of these dumps, you have to re-educate or unlearn all the rubbish they taught you. My step son went there and said most of the stuff was outdated. In some cases, it was outdated by years. A lot of the students come out in debt, out of date and stuck in long job lines. There is an awarenesss that the BS they told you about big salaries is just crap to sucker you in. It wasn’t enough for the nut bags to screw with uni;s, now they are gender interfering with children at school level. The commies use to say, ‘get them young’. Woke is communism and even Musk called the mind virus our greatest risk. He sees it daily. Twitter was taken over by these idiots and collapsed into an anti free speech hard left black hole. Keep your kids out of the hell holes. They don’t add enough value. If you can do the courses online, it might be a better idea. The students will be less likely to find these negative influencers online. Until the swamps are cleaned out, they are bad places to waste your time and money unless you can turn off their indoctrination influences and just get your diploma and leave there. This is not new. It’s been going on for decades. It was a hangover from the Cold War. Given the recent crap going on between Russia , China and the US, it has come back big time with activist and anti-Semitic etc. these troll countries have been influential in uni’s for ever. Foriegn govts can even donate and dictate things in return. It’s time the paid up sell outs in uni’s were drained out. It won’t change until management is replaced with decent capable non political people who can then run these places. If you get a bad company, look at the management.
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