Unscrupulous posters., page-14

  1. 10,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    Your point is valid Lsibiricus though as others have posted in the past the fact is that posters on a chat site of this typ will invariably post on the stocks they hold or are interested in.

    At one stage last year I would do analysis on the key stocks in an entire sector ie Biotech but principally my intersts are Forestry at the moment so I post on that. Others might post on oilers, spec miners or simply an individual stock. When is it a ramp is the question.

    Whilst I also accept your view on the Sliderules and others of the world, what is NOT appearing on HC these days is the detailed analysis and major research posts that I and others used to produce. Why ? Because they began to be met with responses from the posters you refer to such as "That's crap" and "Your a $#@%$ ^%$#". So you are right, they did deter stuff, they detered anybody from bothering to post their research.

    Somehow, I suspect that this was in fact their aim. See the rubbish that occured over CST as a classic example.....

    Anyway, your point is correct but in being so where does it leave a site such as HC.

    By such a definition any post, mine for example, would all be ramps the moment I mention a specific stock, what about yours ?

    Spam 'inside info' emails are an entirely different matter. These are generally designed to create the illussion that one has an inside running not available to others and should always be veiwed as highly suspect imo.
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