PRX 0.00% 0.2¢ prodigy gold nl

Update Required, page-8

  1. 3,820 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 531

    I couldn't disagree with your post more. Wanting regular updates on a company at the most important past of their future isn't whining - it should be a necessary requirement for any well run business. In my experience companies with regular and consistent news releases regarding the performance of the company are rewarded more than companies that treat their shareholders like mushrooms.

    News does move this stock just as it does any other small resource company on the ASX. How on earth can you build momentum on a stock if your not actively looking to get new investors?

    "Maybe, just maybe the employees of ABU are too busy making things happen to tell the fractional owners of future profits what is going on every 2 minutes..." - a two page update on developments including photo's could be whipped up easily if they wanted to. A translation of your 2 minutes is 4 weeks to me. Given however, many years to get to this point it seems reasonable to me that they let us know how things are going without having to wait for the quarterly report?
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36 169842837 0.1¢

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0.2¢ 11076534 13
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Last trade - 16.12pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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