Updated aerial of FBR HQ 24th of June 2018, page-268

  1. 12 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    After all this research and development there is no guarantee that builders will even use the robot. Using the Hadrian requires you to change your building methodology no matter what state of Australia you build in.
    Will builders want to change how they do things just for sake of getting the brickwork up quicker?
    How much quicker? You have waterproof, render external walls, install doors and windows, Meter boxes, lintels, flashings and even get a bricklayer in for specialised work? The bricklayer at the moment does all this work.
    Once you have taken this into account is it that much quicker and cheaper than traditional methods?

    Brick suppliers will will supply you blocks of whatever shape you want if you have the demand and will pay for it. That MOU with Brickworks means little in my opinion.

    It seems like a very expensive piece of machinery to build that 3x2 house which in the demo which would have only cost around $7000 mark in bricklayers wages.
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