No, cannot say that I have. I have always appreciated people who seem to be able to step outside the box, use what everyone would expect to be normal sensible and appropriate gifts/skills and turn the whole lot of it on its head and then produce “stuff” that serves a purpose. I love that “serves a purpose” bit!!! It is such an open ended statement that has hooked purists, conformists, opportunists (those looking to denigrate outsiders) and those who have been blessed with a very limited amount of imagination. Carving wood, ice or anything else with a chainsaw is impressive in my book. Most of the quirky or unconventional types of creative works impress me as they generally don’t have much in the way of reference books/classes to give the novice a step by step guide. Freestyle arty/crafty doesn’t always hit the mark but hey!!! Thats life nothing’s perfect, we hit a wall and then we have to work our way through it, over it, around it, or under it and that’s why I have recently come to appreciate this kinda stuff.
I only caught the crafty bug about 2.5 years ago, I will say that there had been signs of this disease over the previous couple of decades but I was able to hide it from most people. Now that I’m outta da closet ( in the crafty sense not my preference for what Uglies to bump) I have been surprised at how many friends/people I know have ridiculed me for making stuff. If it wasn’t for the fact that a few HC friends liked my follies and encouraged me I would of stuck with building craypots, bird cages and hanging shelves/paintings for the boss.
My mum-in-law is/calls herself an artist and pumps out stuff that I don’t particularly warm to but I like her attitude of “blowing raspberries”, we are both a little mad
PS Next time I get to Albany I’ll make sure I get a sqizzy at their works, thanks for the heads up. z