hey ypres, need your opinion..., page-4

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    If you tell a lie long enough even the masses will eventually believe it (heck even Hitler said that) but to tell the truth is far more shocking and hurtful!

    So do i think so, yes i do!

    And you think aids came from the monkeys of the deep dark jungles from Africa...lol

    It was only a matter of which plan was going to be fufilled first, i know for a fact thanks to the merciful hand of GOD that another major 911 or bigger has been averted a couple of times!

    I've been yarping about how HW Bush is desperate for martial law for reasons i have explained here over and over..fact of the matter is we have passed the turning point and now it will be allowed to happen.

    The GAME is going to go into fifth gear at the end of 2005/2006 and yes the big correction is getting closer...the ppt will try and hold it to keep the illusion till MARTIAL LAW is enforced sooner rather than later i'm sure the Nazi Neo-con Bushy Admin would prefer. Why because America Inc is about to take the transition to a full time Bush Inc Military/Industrial wartime economy under the direction of the EDOMITE TALMUDIC ZIONIST BANKING JEWS of LONDON via Isreal and other arms of the OCTOPUS Illuminati..you'll see

    Enjoy the Market high while it lasts, cause sub -10,000 pts DIJA is near, and won't likely be seen agian

    Wan't the real truth to whats coming in the not to distant future possibly pre Dec 2012 then listen to this person, she is probably the most hated of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT on the net.

    Might explain why 30% of her website traffic can't be traced...must be doing something right.

    A general overview of the sci-fi horror that is coming to the EARTH...listen and learn while you surf the net for these website will all be taken down after Martial Law!


    In fact her email just popped in...

    They are conditioning everyone about a coming 'outbreak'..naturally they could just be trying to scare people into getting the flu vaccine..which i'm sure will do more damage than an outbreak would..but either way, they're spending a lot of time on "possible" outbreaks..

    and of course, already conditioning people that 'if' there is an outbreak, the gov will quarantine whole areas, even cities, etc..setting it up for complete martial law.

    I just got an email from someone "I always thought of myself as a nutcase, but you are an absolute genius."

    they'll wish they'd paid attention...

    Obviously an attack on American soil will set the pretext and be the catalyst for an IRAN attack almost imediatelly, ( in fact if you go do your research the BOYZ are getting prepped and ready positioned right now on ground and sea) remember Cheney has the readytogo plan and order for IRAN invasion if it happens. WW3 is prophecised to blow out in 2006 if Isreal or America attack Iran, anybody who thinks otherwise is clinically insane, sad to say if it does it very well may go thermonuclear.

    Wait and see...for nothing is set in stone!

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