LUM 0.00% 2.3¢ lumacom limited

I like your enthusiasm boys.Grunyans, you are man after my own...

  1. 261 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 211
    I like your enthusiasm boys.

    Grunyans, you are man after my own heart buddy. We do think alike! The Dom was cracked when i heard a few wispers about what the annoucement could entail. It was only hearsay of course, but nonetheless got me very very excited.

    I think the LUM dog millionaires really will be a dream story.

    Much like WTN my fellow investor MTB. Yes, indeed I have been luckier than an irishman with a four leaf clover lately but its all about being with the right companies.

    I have had a little bite from The Fridge about some off the market trades which I'll be pursuing further. Sorry mate, but i dont think there'll be any left over after i'm finished with them!!!

    Happy money making

    The Factaa
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Currently unlisted public company.

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