US 103,000 INFECTIONS TODAY, page-25

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    notice the low death rate in germany - well the germans are testing at the rate of 500,000 per week ... and trump just keeps lying about the amount of testing in america ..

    How the United States fell dangerously behind in coronavirus testing|4 hours ago
    The U.S. is months behind in understanding the true scope of the coronavirus. Testing capacity is finally ramping up, but is it too late?

    anyway the germans developed a test - which the americans did not want - who knows why - maybe trump wanted to MAGA and only use american rubbish

    Trump Administration Rejected WHO Coronavirus Test - Why?

    German scientists developed the first test for COVID-19 and the World Health Organization offered the test to countries around the world and 60 countries accepted. We were not one of them.

    Let’s guess why this happened, and let’s leave aside for the moment that Jared Kushner’s brother runs a company that’s involved in testing, because that should not be any kind of surprise. What I’m fairly convinced is also behind that decision is the administration*’s disdain for international organizations, alliances of any kind, and foreigners in general. Couple that with the Republican Party’s similar xenophobic impulses and overall dislike of any science that can’t be replicated with baking soda and Fizzies, and you’ve got a pretty good reason why help from overseas is more terrifying in many minds than viruses from overseas are. American exceptionalism now means “except us.”That’s not a good development.

    the trump cultists are a laugh a minute - no wonder that watso looks down at them with utter contempt/disdain
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