well spec-hope - you might not be as smart as watso, but for...

  1. 29,637 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    well spec-hope - you might not be as smart as watso, but for sure you are a lot smarter than a lot of others ..

    bbc radio news and DW tv news give a totally different perspective than the bs peddled by the trump cultists ...

    this is all going to blow up big time in trumpland -

    bbc radio just carried a story of an ex doctor with pneumonia like symptoms - and she could not get a test - because she did not meet the criteria (something about not coming from some country where there was a problem, or in direct contact with someone who had the problem) ... BUT SHE HAD BEEN TO NEW YORK.. lol

    anyway, after about the 3rd attempt, she was finally able to have the test - and expected the result in about 3 days - but that has now blown out to about 8 or 9 days ..

    this is going to blow up big time in america - and very much the consequence of the clown at the top.

    for the china haters - it seems that leon musk bought 1200 ventilators from china.. watso has noticed some posters advocating boycotting chinese products - obviously these people would rather die than be saved by a chinese made ventilator .. talk about candidates for the darwin award ..

    Elon Musk acquires 1,200+ ventilators to address ...

    5 days agoTesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has acquired a trove of ventilators from China and shipped them to the U.S. for distribution to hospitals in need during the coronavirus. Musk said on Twitter that ...

    well maybe they were not made in china - but they seem to make everything else
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