If the war is going to cost $400 billion, the yanks could have...

  1. 678 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    If the war is going to cost $400 billion, the yanks could have saved themselves $399 billion just by putting a billion dollar bounty on saddams head - thousands would have jumped at the opportunity. Or maybe the yanks have another agenda???????

    Seriously, has anyone considered the fact that should the US occupy Iraq then those nasty Iranians will be surrounded by US forces. That's why the yanks are angry at saddam because he couldn't knock them off after supplying him with all those starter cultures and other WMD's.
    Hmm. something to consider

    Expressing the sense of the Senate concerning the continuous repression of
    freedoms within Iran and of individual human rights abuses, particularly with
    regard to women. (Introduced in Senate)

    SRES 82 IS

    108th CONGRESS

    1st Session

    S. RES. 82

    Expressing the sense of the Senate concerning the continuous repression of
    freedoms within Iran and of individual human rights abuses, particularly with
    regard to women.


    March 12, 2003

    Mr. BROWNBACK (for himself, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. COLEMAN, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CAMPBELL,
    and Mr. KYL) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
    Committee on Foreign Relations



    Expressing the sense of the Senate concerning the continuous repression of
    freedoms within Iran and of individual human rights abuses, particularly with
    regard to women.

    Whereas the people of the United States respect the Iranian people and value
    the contributions that Iran's culture has made to world civilization for over 3

    Whereas the Iranian people aspire to democracy, civil, political, and
    religious rights, and the rule of law, as evidenced by increasingly frequent
    antigovernment and anti-Khatami demonstrations within Iran and by statements of
    numerous Iranian expatriates and dissidents;

    Whereas Iran is an ideological dictatorship presided over by an unelected
    Supreme Leader with limitless veto power, an unelected Expediency Council and
    Council of Guardians capable of eviscerating any reforms, and a President
    elected only after the aforementioned disqualified 234 other candidates for
    being too liberal, reformist, or secular;

    Whereas the Iranian Government has been developing a uranium enrichment
    program that by 2005 is expected to be capable of producing several nuclear
    weapons each year, which would further threaten nations in the region and around
    the world;

    Whereas the United States recognizes the Iranian peoples' concerns that
    President Muhammad Khatami's rhetoric has not been matched by his actions;

    Whereas President Khatami clearly lacks the ability and inclination to change
    the behavior of the State of Iran either toward the vast majority of Iranians
    who seek freedom or toward the international community;

    Whereas political repression, newspaper censorship, corruption, vigilante
    intimidation, arbitrary imprisonment of students, and public executions have
    increased since President Khatami's inauguration in 1997;

    Whereas men and women are not equal under the laws of Iran and women are
    legally deprived of their basic rights;

    Whereas the Iranian Government shipped 50 tons of sophisticated weaponry to
    the Palestinian Authority despite Chairman Arafat's cease-fire agreement,
    consistently seeks to undermine the Middle East peace process, provides
    safe-haven to al-Qa'ida and Taliban terrorists, allows transit of arms for
    guerrillas seeking to undermine our ally Turkey, provides transit of terrorists
    seeking to destabilize the United States-protected safe-haven in Iraq, and
    develops weapons of mass destruction;

    Whereas since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and despite
    rhetorical protestations to the contrary, the Government of Iran has actively
    and repeatedly sought to undermine the United States war on terror;

    Whereas there is a broad-based movement for change in Iran that represents
    all sectors of Iranian society, including youth, women, student bodies, military
    personnel, and even religious figures, that is pro-democratic, believes in
    secular government, and is yearning to live in freedom;

    Whereas following the tragedies of September 11, 2001, tens of thousands of
    Iranians filled the streets spontaneously and in solidarity with the United
    States and the victims of the terrorist attacks; and

    Whereas the people of Iran deserve the support of the American people: Now,
    therefore, be it

    Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that--

    (1) legitimizing the regime in Iran stifles the growth of the genuine

    democratic forces in Iran and does not serve the national security interest

    of the United States;

    (2) positive gestures of the United States toward Iran should be directed

    toward the people of Iran, and not political figures whose survival depends

    upon preservation of the current regime; and

    (3) it should be the policy of the United States to seek a genuine

    democratic government in Iran that will restore freedom to the Iranian

    people, abandon terrorism, and live in peace and security with the

    international community.

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