US CPI 8.5% and Australia not far behind

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 517
    The CPI in the US has come in at 8.5% year on year. For well over a year the chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell said over and over that inflation was just transitory. Yet inflation has been accelerating at rates not seen for over 50 years. How could someone in such an important position be so wrong and so incompetent and still be in the job? Or has he just been lying all along, knowing what the outcome would be from the massive money printing and QE.
    I believe we have a similar situation in Australia. The Governor of the RBA Philip Lowe would have us believe that inflation in Australia is 3.5%. Of course important measures like property have been removed from the CPI calculation to hide the real rate of inflation.
    These central bankers keep lying to us and have become unaccountable. Our politicians are happy to go along with this charade, spending like never before and racking up unsustainable debt that can never be paid under normal circumstances. This is where inflation comes in. Inflation is a tax on everything and it is the people that pay for this wanton, reckless spending.
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