an email just sent to commentSubject: Re: US Dollar Dive...

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    Subject: Re: US Dollar Dive in Depression October 2005

    It is all starting to come together. The message from Bruce Porteous (NZ) about the impending US dollar dive gives a good synopsis of the likely impact the China/Russia switch to the Euro as a trading currency will have.

    The Chinese/Russians are lemmings. The Europeans should have been smart enough to not fall for the Euro after the Reischmark debacle of the nineteen thirties. I have a 100,000,000 Rm note. It cost me 20 cents AU in Berlin. I was ripped off. They would cost about one cent to print (same as a 100,00,000 Euro note).

    The Euro is backed by the same fairy floss machine as the Reischmark but the Euro's spectacular dive into oblivion will be stalled until the Money Masters have stripped USA. Then they will strip Europe, China and Russia. BUT that is not the issue for today.

    On the 6 am news today (15/12/04) Greenspan announced a rise in US interest rates. This was foreshadowed so it is no surprise.

    Stephen Roach, the chief economist at investment banking giant Morgan Stanley, predicted a US Armageddon.

    The significance of the interest hike is that every interest hike in the past has triggered a slowdown, a stall, recession or depression.

    Every oil price hike of this magnitude has triggered a recession.

    Every depression has started in the first year of the US presidential term in office or in the first months of the second term.

    I don't have a crystal ball but this I see as the most likely scenario:

    December - The Christmas plastic money bonanza.

    January - They can't pay.

    February - Penalty interest rates introduced for late payers to hasten their demise.

    March - Massive default..

    July - Foreclosures.

    August - Domino debt defaults.

    October 2005- Banzaiiiiiii - THE CRASH

    This US Fall will be the REAL FALL.

    I hope I am wrong - BUT - When the USA sneezes we get the flu.

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