g'day @pintohoofrom my observation, not any declaration by IPCC...

  1. 43,148 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    g'day @pintohoo

    from my observation, not any declaration by IPCC or meteorological offices, we've already seen at least 2 tipping points.

    1 was the thawing of the Arctic tundra which release Billions of tons methane from previously frozen peat bogs. and the 2nd was demonstrated by the reduced freezing of the ice caps to extend winter sea ice shelves. but maybe I'm simply tagging these critical changes in the rate of warming due to my lack of scientific understanding.

    however the IPCC are under considerable political pressure to play down their findings. so likely the true state of GW is somewhere in between.the real point is that the rate of GW increases have noticeably picked up the pace. this last 12 months has seen no return to the average temperatures and we now have runaway warming.

    this is no cause for negativity though as, although runaway warming will no doubt continue, we must reduce emissions as quickly as possible. this is made all the more difficult by the negativity of the anti-warming mobs but nevertheless the more emissions the greater the damage in the future.

    I doubt that Trump could increase the risk of war when wars are already at a serious peak only surpassed by the 2 WWs. if Trump were to add to conflict, which I doubt he would as he's focused on dividing the nation and making much bucks for himself, it would be less likely as it would cost the US economy and risk the US losing (again).
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