DCN 0.00% 28.5¢ dacian gold limited

There is no such thing as a zero chance (as Quantum theory says...

  1. 1,836 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 710
    There is no such thing as a zero chance (as Quantum theory says that if one tries hard enough to walk through a wall, there is a chance that he may be able to achieve that!!! wink.png). There is always a possibility (it might be miniscule but still there is a possibility) that gold may come back. The reason why I think so is due to the fact that there is no other viable replacement currency against fiat currency: especially if fiat currency like US$ is being printed to oblivion.

    Crypto-currency? Well if this is being used, what is there to prevent the US government to swap to another new Crypto currency to replace the existing one? This will then become a perennial issue of replaceable crypto-currency!

    Gold on the other is something that people over centuries had trusted as currency and if US government is going to convince citizens of other countries to once again believe in their currency, then there may be no choice but to revert back to gold standard.

    "No nation has ever survived after it's Federal Debt to GDP ratio went above 120%...the US's ratio is now 132%..." I think this statement is not correct. Japan has over +200% Federal debt to GDP ratio and they are still doing pretty well. Greece at one point had +170% Debt/GDP ratio and the country is still running though EU has to bail them out through more debts while forcing the Greek government to undertake some serious belt tightening.
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