DCN 0.00% 28.5¢ dacian gold limited

A professor once said that if all atoms within the body are...

  1. 1,825 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 707
    I don't agree with the word "NEVER" and lets just leave it as that.
    A professor once said that if all atoms within the body are "well aligned" with the wall atoms, then there is a possibility that atoms of the body will slide through the atoms of the wall. In theory that is a possibility and in practice, I doubt anyone can achieve that!

    In a previous post, I had referred to Jim Rickards approach to resolve the issue of "not enough gold" through pricing.

    At the end of the day, we can all agree to disagree and lets keep it that way. Cheers.

    Anyway today's gold price is looking good and that hopefully can push up DCN share price today. However I do have concern about the price of gold which is reaching the point of overbought territory.

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