Always lots of world wide heat waves - I remember extra stinking...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Always lots of world wide heat waves - I remember extra stinking hot summers in NY and London, Europe, Egypt, Phillipines, Greece, etc. and also at home in Melbourne, and I am talking of observation over many years of travel experiences.

    But you and I will also recall that there are hugely destructive and frightening deep freeze winters some years, which were so deadly in the UK, Europe, and the US. Even here. Terrible winters, where in many countries so many died of the cold, or were cut off in their homes, without power, and unable to get to work or anywhere else for that matter.

    As for the other scare - "rising sea waters!" - Peer reviewed paper just issued by oceanography expert from Macquarie University tells us sea water levels are actually receding - there are coastal variants according to cross currents, etc. but generally coastlines are extending out, and not receding. (see article ref. front page "Australian" 22/7.But then, what would he know. This is only HIs speciality. Tim Flannery may be able to "correct" him! (:>

    We must get our place in the cosmos in perspective, remembering we are but one tiny dot in the vastness of an unknown Universe - or ever MultiUniverses. A very insignificant tiny dot. Of course we are highly affected by the elements.
    But let's not demonise a natural and beneficial "emission" - carbon dixoide. Which our plant life depends upon. And without plant life, it's curtains for the human race.

    This mass hysteria is way out of whack. Of course we must be careful and nurture our planent - but why TAX one of the very elements all our bodies produce and need, one which came out of the Big Bang to help us, and which causes the stars to shine, and nurtures plant life making our existence possible. It is NOT a pollutant. Particle pollution (soot, etc) is what should be addressed - but not with any stupid tax -which is just a money raising exercise, mainly for the UN, and the Carbon Credit "Big Boy" Traders to come.

    More to do with Swan and his "must meet the surplus by 2013" mania, I'd bet on! He thinks that'll ensure his job!!

    For he and Gillard to lecture US on the finer points of such complex issues they cannot begin to understand, and which no one can really define, hugely baffling and with a huge variety of opinions, is a gross insult to our intelligences!

    And if I hear "Big Polluters" one more time, I'll call Jenny Craig and suggest they contact the Federal Government with a brochure, as the Gillard Government themselves are one of the "Big Polluters". (Will they then admit this and tax themselves?) Swan and Gillard themselves are "big emitters of carbon dioxide" - always waffling on. Yep, Government's about no. 30 on the list! some say No. 10 on the list! This is not a joke. It's a fact, that the Government are listed with the "Big Polluters". Gillard never. ever, mentions this. Too many public servants she daren't sack??

    All claptrap, bells, whistles, smoke and mirrors, from a
    proven deceitful government. Aided and Abbetted by many who have jumped on to the "we can make big money out of this nes business" bandwagon.

    And Abbott should ditch this silly "Direct Action" policy too. Also rubbish.

    Off with their heads, I say!
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